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Georgia Professionalism: Trending Topics In Professional Conduct
Georgia Professionalism:  Trending Topics In Professional Conduct


Flash Drive Containing .mp3 Audio File and .pdf Course Book File

In this valuable 1-hour October 4, 2023 program, Patrick M. Connors, Esquire provides a practical explanation of several trending obstacles to professionalism and civility, the attorney's professional obligations regarding these obstacles and suggestions to overcoming these obstacles.

Mr. Connors is the Albert and Angela Farone Distinguished Professor In New York Civil Practice at Albany Law School, where he teaches, inter alia, Legal Ethics. He is also a member of the New York State Bar Association's Committee on Professional Ethics and a highly-respected speaker, author, frequent expert witness, and consultant on attorney ethics.

Major topics include:
Professional Duty to protect client information on a lawyer's smartphone
Lawyer's professional duty to inform current or former client of lawyer's material error
Threatening to present criminal charges solely to obtain an advantage in a civil matter
Fees paid in advance for legal services
"Reply all" in electronic communications
Choice of law issues for lawyers practicing in multiple jurisdiction
A.I., ethics, and sanctions

FORMS FOR LAWYERS: For fully-editable immediately downloadable forms in many practice areas, please go to www.NLFforms.com.

BOOKS FOR LAWYERS: Over 125 useful books on important legal issues facing attorneys are now available for immediate download at www.NLFforms.com. (Reading books without also listening to or viewing a recorded seminar earns NO CLE credits.)
Price: $55.00